how to prepare for the retreat?

 Giving yourself this time to be with yourself and your Soul and The Spirit from which we come from is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself! Bravo! There is nothing better than this time with yourself and fellow Travelers on this Journey into your Soul, into your Heart and into Loving.

 The Retreat is live Streamed once a month for twelve months. One Saturday a month and it is recorded so you can watch it anytime within the entire 12 months.

 Each month is prepared with great care for you to get absolutely most benefit available.

 I do suggest you take the time, whether you watch while the retreat is being streamed live or you watch the recorded retreat; and unplug from your devices, find a quiet spot, find a comfortable lounge chair or couch. For moms and dads maybe watch the recorded retreat when the kids are in bed or on play dates. This is time for you, just for you to be nurtured, restored, reconnected, get on track, and to work to bring to yourself the dreams of your heart.