How “The Voice of The Stillness” came to be…
I heard the most beautiful melody as I was walking with my dogs down my country dirt road, out from my house and along pastures and fields. The next day, another tune and then the next day a new melody and everyday for a couple of years the same…a new day a new melody. The tunes became my companions. They were a comfort, a joy. Every thought, concern, stress disappeared in the soothing rhythms, harmonies and melodic stories of the songs. I wondered where the songs were coming from and I asked the wisdom of my heart where I go when I want answers and in that stillness the still small voice said the songs were from my Soul.
A few months before the songs came to visit I had undergone surgery for cancer and although the Doc said he had gotten it all, I didn’t feel well and I knew something was wrong. I saw 4 doctors none believed me. I felt desolate until the songs came. They came every day as I finally got back into treatment for metastatic endometrial cancer. I had to move from Colorado to Houston to go through radiation and chemo and the songs traveled with me, kept me company, gave me solace.
I survived. I thrived. And one day I decided to record some of the tunes on my phone. Always, they come when I am out walking or at least that is when I listen, in the stillness of walking and breathing.
I then thought I might try to find words, chants, devotions…the lyrics then came too.
I met a wonderful composer, David Stern and before I knew it I had asked him to arrange the melodies and a few months later this album was produced. After that, I decided I would share it.
I hope it brings you peace, comfort and some joy.